The bank names that are attached to the Account holders have to be entered in the Bank Name option of the Setup menu. The popular Indian Banks have been pre-entered for the user’s convenience

In order to access Bank Name, click on the Bank Name option of the Setup Menu.

Bank Name - Step 1

The following screen will be displayed:

Bank Name - Step 2

The data window with list of Bank Names already available in the system will be displayed. To enter a new Bank name, click on the ‘Add’ Button. The lower part of the window will become active. Enter the following details:

Bank Name (mandatory ) : Enter Bank Name.
Short Name (mandatory ) : Enter Short name for the bank. Short names are provided for easy identification of banks.

After the data is entered, click on the button.

Modify Bank Name

In order to modify the Bank Name select the bank name that needs to be modified by either double clicking on it or clicking the edit button after selecting that record from the grid. The bank name and the short name will be displayed on the lower part of the screen for modification, as shown below:

Bank Name - Modify

Make the necessary changes and click on the button.

Delete Bank Name

In order to delete the Bank Name select the bank name that you want to delete and click on the delete button. Note: Only those Banks that have not been used anywhere in the system can be deleted.

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